Thursday, April 19, 2012

things to do in the rain

My trip is Sept 21-24. My husband and I are taking the advise of the wonderful people on tripadvisor and are staying at the Savoy. We are staying in a one bedroom. Any last minute advice?

The weather forcast says rain for everyday we are there. We were hoping to do some walking tours, a boat tour, and some beach time originally. Now we are thinking walking tours and cool cheers (like the tv show) vibe bars. All very casual. I was wondering if there are any places with live bands (not huge lines or cool clubs) or maybe a show we can go see? My husband is really not into shopping and I am wondering what else there is to do and see in the rain. I wanted to maybe plan something in the evening to suprise him.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


things to do in the rain

Know that just because the forecast says a probability of rain each day you are there, doesn%26#39;t mean all you%26#39;ll see is clouds and thunderstorms. As long as the tropical storms stay away, you should expect to see lots of sun with clouds and rain towards the end of the day.

Get out early before the thunderstorms build. You should see enough sun that sunscreen is a must (remember that the burning sunrays goes through clouds!). It%26#39;s possible that a rain shower may hit but often followed by more sun.

things to do in the rain

For what it%26#39;s worth, when the forecast says ';30% chance of rain';, it doesn%26#39;t mean that it%26#39;s going to rain 30% of that day (which would be more than 7 hours of the day...) It means that there is a little less than one in three CHANCE that it will rain SOMETIME that day -- that%26#39;s actually less than a 50/50 chance that it%26#39;ll rain at all!

I wouldn%26#39;t unpack the sunblock just yet... :)


Enough about the rain - think sunny thoughts and it will all be great!

Tours - Duck Tour at Lincoln and Washington.

Walking tour -

CHEERS - Clarke%26#39;s on 1st Street, Ted%26#39;s across from the Savoy

Live bands - Jazid

Surprise him - LOVE/HATE the Miami Ink Bar on 4th and Washington, Sunday brunch at Nemo, a fabulous Saturday night sceney steakhouse @ Prime 112 (reserve NOW - downstairs) or a crazy night dancing on the tables at Opa Greek Restaurant...

Lots of info and ideas here:…


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