Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Best Way to go to Busch Gardens


We are staying at Pop Century next year, and are debating going to Busch Gardens.

I just wondered what would be the best and cheapest option for us getting there?

We won%26#39;t be having a car btw, and hiring one isn%26#39;t an option.

I would appreciate any suggestions!!

Also, not totally related, but I thought that the Harry Potter attraction was going to open late 2009, but I%26#39;ve just checked on the Universal website and now it says 2010 - does anyone know if it has suffered some set backs?

Would appreciate any info on any of the above!!!


;0) Mango

Best Way to go to Busch Gardens

Hi, im staying in pop century next week, and we will be getting to bush gardens by getting a taxi to seaworld or premium outlets in L.B and then getting the bus, the bush gardens bus is free if you%26#39;ve booked Discovery cove with bush gardens or it%26#39;s $10 if not.

You will have to look on the back of a bush gardens map or look up their number to call them, i done this whilst out there, and they will book you a space on the bus, and give the collection and picking up times.

Also dont panick if there is a massive que for the bus, three turned up one after the other last year after people stating pushing to get in the first one, lol!

Hope you have a good time.

Best Way to go to Busch Gardens

Yes, I agree that catching the bus from SeaWorld is probably your best alternative for getting to Busch Gardens without a car.

The only drawback is that your hours may be limited to less than ';opening to closing'; hours.

Really? That%26#39;s a bit pants! You would think that the shuttle would leave quite late!

Does a Discovery Cove ticket get you into both Busch Gardens AND Seaworld, or just one of them?

Thanks for all the info everyone!!!

:0) Mango

Here%26#39;s the link for the Busch Gardens Express.


If you%26#39;re staying at Pop Century resort, the closest pickup location for the shuttle will be at Old Town wich is about 5-8 minutes by taxi. The link I gave you also allows you to book the shuttle in advance and gives you a pickup time. Or you can also call your reservation in to 1-800-221-1339 and they will tell you exactly where the bus will be at Old Town. It used to be at the back of Old Town down near the roller coaster but I don%26#39;t know if that%26#39;s changed or not.

Ok, forget using that link I gave above, it doesn%26#39;t work for some reason, try the Busch Gardens link and look for the Busch Gardens shuttle link on the left side of the page.


According to the Discovery Cove website, with a regular ticket you must choose either SeaWorld or Busch Gardens. However if you purchase a Discovery Cove Ultimate package you may go to SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, and Aquatica.

We had all day at the park and had plenty of time looking around and to get back to the coach, but if you wanted to stay for the Halloween night you would have to get a taxi back which would be very expensive.

Also if you have a Orlando Flex Plus Ticket the BG Shuttle is FOC.

The Shuttle picks up at different locations bvetween 8.15 - 9.30 (every location has a different time). So you could get to the Park at around 11am and i think it picked us up on return at 6pm.

The other cheapish way to do it.... Mears transport arrange Mini Buses, at the cost of $15 per person return. Enabling you to stay longer, you just have to call them an hour before you want picking up.

Caz Essex X

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