Monday, April 23, 2012

tickets on ebay

i have seen tickets on ebay which have been used but have days remaining. i have read that when tickets are first used your fingerprints are read and only that person can then use the ticket. is this correct? if so, surely these tickets are unusable. also, has anyone got tips for cheap tickets as we only want to visit 2 parks and it seems that you are penalised for only wanting a small amount of tickets. thanks

tickets on ebay

wouldn%26#39;t touch them with someone else%26#39;s money never mind my own.

why take a chance there is no way of knowing without taking the tickets to guest services how long is left on them. so you could get to the gate and end up ticketless and have to pay again.

try undercover tourist they often have some good deals

tickets on ebay

Bill dont waste your time, you CANNOT use the tickets.

Cheers ;-) Wullie

Don%26#39;t do it!

Absolutely stay away from any EBay tickets for Disney or Universal theme parks.

Finger scanning at Disney has prevented any transfer of tickets from one person to another when all of the days are not used up. If you buy these tickets:

1. You won%26#39;t have any way of knowing if days are left on them until you reach the theme parks.

2. Your finger scan won%26#39;t match the one already used on the ticket and you will be refused entry.

do you think tickets from 1989 would still have been fingerprinted?

well, some emphatic advice there. i%26#39;ll take that as a no-no then! thanks for that

Surely someone out there has bought tickets off ebay - I%26#39;m curious to hear whether anyone has been stung?

People that get conned-like buying Disney tickets on Ebay that can%26#39;t be used-do not generally brag about it. Don%26#39;t even think about buying tickets from sites like this or you too will be conned-once the finger scan has been taken,no one else can use the tickets-and the ads that claim the tickets have never been used...well,c%26#39;mon. Check for good deals

Well, I happen to know someone who bought tickets off Ebay and used them successfully. BUT...when he told me he had bought them, I was extremely skeptical and warned him of the possibility that they may not work. And of course, he%26#39;s one of those I-told-you-so type people, so every time someone at work asks me this question, I tell them not to do it, and he tells them his experience. (I guess people trust me more, though; now that I think about it, I don%26#39;t know anybody else who%26#39;s bought Ebay tickets!)

Bottom line is: even though there are some people on Ebay selling legitimate tickets, you take a BIG risk by buying them. If they were used after Disney started finger scanning, they most likely will not work, and you%26#39;ll just be out all that money.

When did disney start fingerprint scanning?

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